Hello, members of the Chinese team at `zh-l10n(a)linux.org.tw'. This is a
message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that
a new file, available as:
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/domains/POT/nano-1.1.5.pot
has been integrated in the central PO archives. The file should soon
be made available in mirror sites as:
> ftp://ftp.unex.es/pub/gnu-i18n/po/domains/POT/nano-1.1.5.pot
> ftp://tiger.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/po/domains/POT/nano-1.1.5.pot
None of its untranslated messages have been translated yet. Please
consider taking its translation in charge for the Chinese language.
If you decide to do so, please get your team leader (if any) to inform
the translation coordinator that you were assigned to `nano'. Once the
translation is completed, send the result to the address given below,
> Subject: TP-Robot nano-1.1.5.zh.po
in your message header. You may contact either your team leader or me,
if any question arises.
The following HTML pages should also be updated by tomorrow.
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/domain-nano.html
> http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-zh.html
The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your kind translation coordinator.
P.S. - You may find a copy (maybe not official) of the distribution as:
> http://nano-editor.org/dist/v1.1/nano-1.1.5.tar.gz
Hi all,
I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this question, but
seems about right...
I got a request today to translate the home page of my site into
Chinese and Japanese. I have two volunteer translators who
can translate the text, but I don't know how to begin coding it into
my HTML/XHTML pages. Also, I'd like to do alternate graphics
with Chinese and Japanese text in them, but am unsure how to
generate these characters within an app like Photoshop or the
GIMP? (I am using Mac OS X and Linux/Debian)
Any starting points would be appreciated. I have looked at
i18ngurus.com and a bunch of other resource sites, but haven't
seen a basic tutorial on how to write a single page in Chinese.
Any tips?
;Chris Higgins
;Portland, Oregon, USA
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On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 18:19:51 +0800, Hung Hin Lik (Shell) said:
> I did the update of the zh_TW.Big5 translation from
> 0.4.1 to 0.4.2, and the PO files can be found at :
> http://www.shellhung.org/Translation/PO/GPA/
A long time has passed by but finally I came to apply GPA pacthes but
could not found them ant this URL (404)
Is an update stuill available?
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