# dict-zh # ftp://cle.linux.org.tw/pub/CLE/devel/informer/dict-zh-1.2.1-1.src.rpm # 包含三個字典定義檔 # 1) pydict 2) 教育部腦相關詞彙, 3) Network Terminology
dictd-client-1.5.5-6 dictd-server-1.5.5-6 dictd-dictionaries-0.1.0-9 dictd-1.5.5-6
( find these in rpmfind, eg http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/rhcontrib/7.2/i386/dictd-1.5.5-6.i386.html )
web based dict cgi was in the attachement
多謝 Pofeng 提供的資料和程式, 我在週四工作告一小段落後來研究看看... 8)
Pofeng Lee wrote:
# dict-zh # ftp://cle.linux.org.tw/pub/CLE/devel/informer/dict-zh-1.2.1-1.src.rpm # 包含三個字典定義檔 # 1) pydict 2) 教育部腦相關詞彙, 3) Network Terminology
dictd-client-1.5.5-6 dictd-server-1.5.5-6 dictd-dictionaries-0.1.0-9 dictd-1.5.5-6
( find these in rpmfind, eg http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/rhcontrib/7.2/i386/dictd-1.5.5-6.i386.html )
web based dict cgi was in the attachement
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Name : Dict # Purpose: perl script cgi program to submit dict queries. # Author : Doug L. Hoffman (hoffman@shopthenet.net) # Created: Thu Aug 14 09:51:28 1997 by hoffman # Revised: Mon Mar 30 12:25:38 1998 by hoffman # # This perl script both generates the www-browser form and accepts the results # of submitting the form. The search is transmitted to a central machine # and the results are interpreted and reposted for the user. # # $Log: Dict,v $ # Revision 1.11 1998/03/30 17:33:26 hoffman # added text of query to the web page title line. # # Revision 1.10 1998/02/23 17:46:04 hoffman # Fixed problem with word list anchors caused by changes to the "exact" # resopnse. # # Revision 1.9 1998/02/23 16:41:30 hoffman # Made "exact" return list of words, not definitions. # # Revision 1.8 1998/02/20 16:00:01 hoffman # gave the generated page(s) a general facelift, changed internal processing # to use the short database name, not the description, and then spent time # fixing various bugs that the name change caused. The server calls to fetch # the search and database options have been combined into one. # # Revision 1.7 1998/02/19 15:10:26 hoffman # Rik's updated version. # # Revision 1.6 1997/11/12 16:07:50 hoffman # Added link to copyright info. # # Revision 1.5 1997/10/01 17:50:58 hoffman # Fixed some of the field edits for Rik. # # Revision 1.4 1997/10/01 13:56:52 hoffman # fixed problem with ()'s # # Revision 1.3 1997/08/17 20:48:04 hoffman # added link to dict.org home page # # Revision 1.2 1997/08/17 20:07:37 hoffman # Fixed imbedded blank sequence query scanning. # #
# Setup is minimal. # # You have to redefine at most the first few lines below # # $ReturnUrl is the url of this file. It should be changed to reflect # the new location.
# ---------- Configuration variables
$Debug = 0;
$Pgm = "dict"; #$hostUrl = "http://www.dict.org"; $hostUrl = ""; $cgiPath = "$hostUrl/mgw"; $ReturnUrl = "$cgiPath/$Pgm"; $bin = "/usr/bin/";
$CRInfo = "$ReturnUrl?Form=$Pgm". "1&Query=00-database-info&Strategy=*&Database=*"; $SInfo = "$ReturnUrl?Form=$Pgm". "4";
$Dict = "/usr/bin/dict -h"; $Counter = "/usr/local/etc/Counter/data/$Pgm.dat"; $Count = "$cgiPath/Count.cgi"; $Background = "/gifs/grayback.jpg"; $Heading1= "The DICT Development Group: Online Dictionary Query"; $Heading2= "<a href="http://www.dict.org/%5C%22%3EThe DICT Development Group</a>: Online Dictionary Query"; $Counter1= "<img src="$Count?sh=0|df=$Pgm.dat" alt="">"; $Counter2= "<img src="$Count?sh=0|df=total.dat" alt="">"; # $Counter1= ""; # $Counter2= ""; $WebMaster="<a href="mailto:webmaster@dict.org">webmaster@dict.org</a>";
# --- display stuff
########################################################################## # # Driving Program # #########################################################################
&init; # init globals &ReadParse; # read stdin
# # # If there is no standard input, this the the users first request to see # the page. Return a decent looking page. Otherwise, you have work to do. #
if ($in{"Form"} eq "") { $in{"Database"} = "*"; $in{"Strategy"} = "*"; print &PrintHeader(); &SendBeginning; &SendForm1; &SendEnding; } elsif ($in{"Form"} eq ($Pgm . '1')) { print &PrintHeader(); &SendBeginning; &StripFields; # clean up user entered data. &CheckFields; # Make sure all required data are there. &SendForm1; if ($Error eq "") { &SendListing; } &SendEnding; } elsif ($in{"Form"} eq ($Pgm . '2')) { $in{"Strategy"} = "*"; print &PrintHeader(); &SendBeginning; &StripFields; # clean up user entered data. &CheckFields; # Make sure all required data are there. &SendForm1; if ($Error eq "") { &SendListing; } &SendEnding; } elsif ($in{"Form"} eq ($Pgm . '3')) { $in{"Strategy"} = ""; $in{"Query"} = ""; print &PrintHeader(); &SendBeginning; &StripFields; # clean up user entered data. # &CheckFields; # Make sure all required data are there. &SendForm1; if ($Error eq "") { &SendListing; } &SendEnding; } elsif ($in{"Form"} eq ($Pgm . '4')) { $in{"Strategy"} = ""; $in{"Query"} = ""; print &PrintHeader(); &SendBeginning; &StripFields; # clean up user entered data. # &CheckFields; # Make sure all required data are there. &SendForm1; if ($Error eq "") { $in{"Query"} = "Server"; &SendListing; } &SendEnding; } else { print &PrintHeader(); &SendBeginning; print "<br><hr>Error, invalid syntax: $in<hr><br>\n"; &SendForm1; # wtfo? send form anyway. &SendEnding; }
############################################################################# # # --------------- Init global variables #
sub init { local( $name, $desc); # # ----- List of database and search strategy options # # For each option, a comma separated string of the acceptable values # $Choices{"Database"} = "Any,First match";
%Db = ( "Any", "*", "First match","!" ); %Dbr = ( "*", "Any", "!","First match" ); $Choices{"Strategy"} = "Return Definitions"; %St = ("Return Definitions", "*"); # ----- suck in the database/strategy names from the server open(IN,"$Dict -DS |") || die "$Pgm: can't execute /usr/bin/dict\n"; <IN>;
LOOP: while (<IN>) { chop; last LOOP if /^Strategies/; $name = substr($_, 2, 10); $name =~ s/\s+//g; $desc = substr($_, 13); $Choices{"Database"} .= ",$desc"; $Db{$desc} = $name; ($Dbr{$name} = $desc) =~ tr/ /+/; # reverse lookup index } while (<IN>) { chop; $name = substr($_, 2, 10); $name =~ s/\s+//g; $desc = substr($_, 13); $Choices{"Strategy"} .= ",$desc"; $St{$desc} = $name; } close( IN ); # # The regular expression contraints: # @Fields = ("Query");
@ReqFields = ("Query");
# ---------- Update the counter # sub UpdateCounter { local ($count); if ($Counter ne "") { if (!(open(CT,"<$Counter"))) { print "$Pgm: Couldn't open $Counter<p>\n"; return; } $count = <CT>; close CT; $count++; if (!(open(CT,">$Counter"))) { print "Couldn't write $Counter<p>\n"; return; } print CT $count; close CT; } }
# ---------- Strip fields # # change tabs and stuff to blanks, strip any leading/trailing blanks. #
sub StripFields { foreach $x (@Fields) { $in{$x} =~ y/{};/() /; # ensure no {, },",", or ";". $in{$x} =~ y/\n\r\f\t\e/ /s; # ensure newlines or cr's. $in{$x} =~ s/'/''/g; $in{$x} =~ s/^\s*//; $in{$x} =~ s/\s*$//; $in{$x} =~ s/\s+/ /g; } }
# # ---------- Check that the required fields are all present. #
sub CheckFields { $Error = ""; foreach $x (@ReqFields) { if ($in{$x} eq "") { $Error = $x; return; } } }
############################################################################# # # ---------- Send the html form for the editing of a record #
sub SendForm1 {
# ----- send the header # local($q) = $in{"Query"}; print <<EOF;
<form method=POST action=$ReturnUrl> <input type="hidden" name="Form" value="${Pgm}1"> <b>Query:</b> <input type="text" name="Query" size=20 value="$q">
<select name="Strategy">
EOF foreach $x (split(/,/,$Choices{"Strategy"})) { print " <option value="$St{$x}""; if ($in{"Strategy"} eq $St{$x}) { print " selected"; } print ">$x\n"; } print <<EOF2; </select>
<select name="Database">
EOF2 foreach $x (split(/,/,$Choices{"Database"})) { print " <option value="$Db{$x}""; if ($Db{$x} eq "pydict" ) { print " selected"; } print ">$x\n"; } print <<EOF3; </select>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit query"> <input type="reset" value="Reset form">
</form> <hr> EOF3 }
############################################################################# # # ---------- Send the html form for the search listing results #
sub SendListing { local( $command, $d, $s, $q); local( $i, $x ); local( $flag=0 );
# ----- add the hidden counter.
# print "\n<!-- hidden counter -->\n"; # print "<img src="/bin/Count.cgi?sh=0|df=$Pgm.dat">\n";
# &UpdateCounter;
# ---------- report $d = $in{"Database"}; $d = $in{"Database"} if ($d eq ""); $s = $in{"Strategy"}; $q = $in{"Query"}; $command = "$Dict --client \"$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\" "; if ($s eq "" && $q eq "") {
$command .= "-i '$d'"; } elsif ($s eq "" && $q eq "Server") { $command .= "-I"; } else { $command .= "-d '$d'"; $wordlist = 0; if ($s eq '*') { $command .= " '". $q . "'"; } # elsif ($s eq 'exact') { # $command .= " -s exact '". $q ."'"; # } else { $command .= " -s $s -m '". $q ."'"; } }
print "$command <p>\n" if ($Debug); if (!open(IN,"$command |")) { print "<hr><p>\n"; print "<b>Backend database engine temporarily unavailable:\n";
print " please try again later</b>\n"; print "<p><hr>\n"; return; } if ($s eq "" && $q eq "") { local($tmp) = &lx($Dbr{$d}); print "<b>From <a href="$ReturnUrl?Form=${Pgm}3&Database=$d">$tmp</a>:</b>\n"; } print "<pre>"; while(<IN>) { ++$flag; if (/^From/) { if (/[.*]/) { s/^From\s*(.*)\s*[(.*)]\s*:.*$/From <a href="$ReturnUrl?Form=${Pgm}3&Database=$2">$1</a>:/; # " } print "</pre><b>$_</b><pre>\n"; } elsif (/^\d+ /) { print "</pre><b>$_</b><pre>"; } elsif (/^No definitions/) { print "</pre><b>$_</b><pre>\n"; } elsif (/^No matches/) { print "</pre><b>$_</b><pre>\n"; } elsif (/^(\S+) /) { $x = $1; ($x, $line) = split(/:/, $_, 2); $line = &anchor( $x, $line); print "<b>$x:</b>$line"; $wordlist = 1; } elsif ($wordlist && (/^ (\S+) /)) { $line = &anchor( $x, $_); print $line; } else { if (/(ftp|http)://[^\s)}]*}/) { s,((ftp|http)://[^\s)}]*)},}<a href="$1">$1</a>,g; } else { s,((ftp|http)://[^\s)}]*),<a href="$1">$1</a>,g; } s,(\s){([^}\s][^}]*)},$1.'<a href="'.$ReturnUrl.'?Form='.$Pgm.'2&Database=*&Query='.&xl($2).'">'.$2.'</a>',ge; s,(\s){([^}\s][^}]*)(\n)$,$1.'<a href="'.$ReturnUrl.'?Form='.$Pgm.'2&Database=*&Query='.&xl($2).'">'.$2.$3,se; s,^([^}]*)},$1.'</a>',e; print; } } print "</pre>\n"; close( IN ); if (!$flag) { print "<b>\n"; print "Backend database engine error: please try again later\n"; print "</b><p>"; } print "<hr>\n"; }
sub xl { local($tmp) = $_[0]; $tmp =~ tr/ /+/; $tmp; } sub lx { local($tmp) = $_[0]; $tmp =~ tr/+/ /; $tmp; }
sub anchor { local( $dbname, $line) = @_; local( $x, $y, $db, $new_line);
$odd = 1; $db = $Dbr{$dbname}; $db = $dbname; foreach $x (split("\"", $line)) {
if ($odd) { $x =~ s/ (\S+)/ <a href="$ReturnUrl?Form=${Pgm}2&Database=$db&Query=$1">$1</a>/g; $new_line .= $x; $odd = 0; } else { ($y = $x) =~ tr/ /+/; $new_line .= "<a href="$ReturnUrl?Form=${Pgm}2&Database=$db&Query='$y'">"$x"</a>"; $odd = 1; } }
return $new_line;
# # ----- Common beginning. # sub SendBeginning { local ($title);
$title = $Heading1; if ($in{'Query'}) {
$title .= "- $in{'Query'}"; }
print <<EOF;
<html> <head> <title>$title</title> </head> EOF }
# # ----- Common ending. # sub SendEnding {
print <<EOF;
</body> </html> EOF }
# --------------- Numeric sort function
sub bynumber { $a <=> $b; }
############################################################################# # # --------------- Library Stuff #
# Perl Routines to Manipulate CGI input # S.E.Brenner@bioc.cam.ac.uk # $Header: /data/httpd/html/Internal/bin/RCS/Dict,v 1.11 1998/03/30 17:33:26 hoffman Exp $ # # Copyright 1993 Steven E. Brenner # Unpublished work. # Permission granted to use and modify this library so long as the # copyright above is maintained, modifications are documented, and # credit is given for any use of the library.
# ReadParse # Reads in GET or POST data, converts it to unescaped text, and puts # one key=value in each member of the list "@in" # Also creates key/value pairs in %in, using '\0' to separate multiple # selections
# If a variable-glob parameter (e.g., *cgi_input) is passed to ReadParse, # information is stored there, rather than in $in, @in, and %in. sub ReadParse { if (@_) { local (*in) = @_; }
local ($i, $loc, $key, $val); local ($fp); # Read in text if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { $in = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { #for ($i = 0; $i < $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; $i++) { # $in .= getc; #} $ntoread = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; $in = ""; $n = 60; if ($ntoread < $n) { $n = $ntoread; } while ($ntoread) { $x = read(STDIN,$inn,$n); $in = $in . $inn; $ntoread = $ntoread - $x; if ($ntoread < $n) { $n = $ntoread; } } #read(STDIN,$in,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); }
@in = split(/&/,$in);
foreach $i (0 .. $#in) { # Convert plus's to spaces $in[$i] =~ s/+/ /g;
# Convert %XX from hex numbers to alphanumeric $in[$i] =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; # Split into key and value. $loc = index($in[$i],"="); $key = substr($in[$i],0,$loc); $val = substr($in[$i],$loc+1); $in{$key} .= '\0' if (defined($in{$key})); # \0 is the multiple separator $in{$key} .= $val;
} return 1; # just for fun }
# PrintHeader # Returns the magic line which tells WWW that we're an HTML document
sub PrintHeader { return "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; }