Pofeng Lee 寫道:
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Chinese GNU/LI List wrote:
Sender: "Sting YC Tao" <stingtao@tw.ibm.com>
I have joined the list for a long time. I read about
Big5/Unicode/UTF/... Chinese Standard discussions and did a few studies on these issues. I am no Chinese Linux hacker and am still confused. IS UNICODE THE CONSENSUS NOW?
maybe, maybe not :-)
the wide character in glibc is unicode the multibyte character at zh_TW locale is still Big5 ( I _hope_ we could shift to UTF-8 as soon as possible )
And another thing, there existed problems about chinese support in
IBM's Softwares porting to Linux for a long time. Always Chinese Font problem. It seems there is no STANDARD/DEFAULT Chinese fonts on Linux. People are free to take their favorites. However, sometimes it causes problems for application developers for they can't map default font to SYSTEM FONTS(just like 細明體 in Windows). Would anyone advise on this problem? Maybe we should try to make that font standard and let application developers, like IBM to follow?
我曾經私下請 cwhuang & mingche 能討論出一個共用的字型名, 但是好像還沒有結果 :-p
不知道現在大家可不可以討論一下 CLE 是用 -default-ming-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-big5-0 不知其他 distro 的意見 ?
在 CLE for Slackware 的 porting 上我沒有意見,就照柏鋒兄的吧 :)) 因為移植及使用上沒問題!!
這是小事啦 不過有個 default name 比較方便嘛 :-)
-- Pofeng "informer" Lee, 李柏鋒, 886-928-554-335 ( 20:00-23:00 GMT+8 ) pofeng at linux.org.tw, an_evil_anti-opensource_nerd at PDAology.com.tw Chang Gung Children's Hospital
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