Dear All,
I have joined the list for a long time. I read about
Big5/Unicode/UTF/... Chinese Standard discussions and did a few studies on
these issues. I am no Chinese Linux hacker and am still confused. IS
And another thing, there existed problems about chinese support in
IBM's Softwares porting to Linux for a long time. Always Chinese Font
problem. It seems there is no STANDARD/DEFAULT Chinese fonts on Linux.
People are free to take their favorites. However, sometimes it causes
problems for application developers for they can't map default font to
SYSTEM FONTS(just like 細明體 in Windows). Would anyone advise on this
problem? Maybe we should try to make that font standard and let application
developers, like IBM to follow?
ps. I don't know if this is the right list to pose such question. If it's
not the proper list, please let me know.
Best Regards,
Sting Tao(陶韻智)
I/T Specialist, Linux Solution Center
e-business Innovation Center, TSC, IBM Taiwan.
7F, 206, Sec. 1 Keelung Rd, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C..
Tel: +886-2-2725-8917 Mobile:0937-929-907
E-Mail: stingtao(a)