(Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 03:53:58AM +0800) Hin-lik Hung, Shell :
Hi all,
Attachment is the Big5 translation for Kodo, please
review or use it.
哈哈... 忙記了把 template 改掉.. :-)
Please s/Kodo/graphite/gi
其實這個檔案可能有點問題, 那就是當中有一堆都是Paper Type (a4, letter...etc), 我沒有把之翻譯, 我總是覺得不需要, 煩請看看..
ps. I have some problem for visit *.kde.org, so I can't find out who is the original translator, but actually, I haven't base on any translation and translate this PO from scratch.. >.<