Hi, pinard
I am going to resign from the coordinator ( the team leader )
And Mr Shyue will take this job.
Shyue, Jing-Jong (薛景中) mailto:shyue@sonoma.com.tw http://i18n.linux.org.tw/
mailing list : zh-l10n@linux.org.tw archive : http://www.linux.org.tw/mail-archie/zh-l10n/
I have asked Mr. Shyue to sned his DISCLAIMER.
What else we should do ?
Thanks in advance.
-- Pofeng "informer" Lee, 李柏鋒, 886-928-554-335 ( 20:00-23:00 GMT+8 ) mailto:pofeng@linux.org-SPAM-tw, an_evil_anti-opensource_nerd@mobia.com.tw Chang Gung Children's Hospital