Hi! Here suggestion of some technical vocabulary
applet: now translated as "小程式" in many GNOME applications,
I think it is ambigious for the meaning of small program,
My suggestion is "面板程式" or "面板物件" or
"面板嵌入物件"...or just leave alone without
translation...Any other suggestions?
Load: Translated as "讀取" in some application.
"載入" is suggested.
Launcher: "發射器"...I don't know
input focus: "輸入注視" in sawfish.
"輸入焦點" should be more proper.
OK: now "好" in many application.
I think "確定" from the WinXX is a good.
I think the unification of translation is an
important affair. Sometimes I would go back
to the english locale to see the original text
to understanding the real meaning. It might be
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