Hi all,
Seems the page ~/kde/ was out (or updated ?), someone did some translation with me, would someone please update the page ?
I really feels hard to translation becasue I don't know who will translate abc.po but haven't post to this list or maybe he send to 17 or kenduest directly..
Actually, who maintainig the page ?
"Hin-lik Hung, Shell" 寫道:
Seems the page ~/kde/ was out (or updated ?), someone
did some translation with me, would someone please update the page ? I really feels hard to translation becasue I don't know who will translate abc.po but haven't post to this list or maybe he send to 17 or kenduest directly..
Hmmm... 我想網頁現在還是手動更新的,所以也許跟不上 CVS 更新的速度。 將來若能改成自動更新就會好多了...
Anyway, 目前的話,我想最好的方法還是直接 follow CVS. 先從 CVS checkout 所有檔案:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde cvs login password: (直接按 Enter) cvs -z5 checkout -rKDE_2_2_BRANCH kde-i18n
以後只要定時去 update 就行. cd zh_TW.Big5 cvs -z5 update -dP
建議至少每天更新一次到兩次,以保持與 CVS 同步。
在 templates 目錄中是所有要翻譯的檔案。 若是某個在 templates 中的檔案,zh_TW.Big5/messages/ 目錄中卻無對應的 po 檔,就表示該檔案還無人翻譯。 您就可以認領該檔案,然後丟封信到 mailing list 上問問, 看看會不會跟其它人重複。
Actually, who maintainig the page ?