Hello everyone,
(some of you may already know me as spacehunt, but this time I'm representing my company :p )
I am Roger So, now working at Sun Wah Linux Ltd (http://www.sw-linux.com) of Hong Kong. We are a relatively new company, and one of our main focus is on i18n and l10n of the Linux desktop (particularly GNOME), and contributing our efforts back to the community.
As many software don't yet have complete Chinese translations, our company is willing to help out. We have some translators in China ready to help out translating po-files and documentation.
Are there anything that we should be aware of before we begin?
Thank you!
Roger So
Hello Roger,
We have a team doing application translation. We are maintaining the gnome and kde translation now, while KDE is our focus.
See http://i18n.linux.net.cn , it is our new faces, we need to add content to it.
visit http://lists.linux.net.cn/wws to access our list archive
Friday, March 16, 2001, 2:21:22 PM, you wrote:
RS> Hello everyone,
RS> (some of you may already know me as spacehunt, but this time I'm RS> representing my company :p )
RS> I am Roger So, now working at Sun Wah Linux Ltd (http://www.sw-linux.com) RS> of Hong Kong. We are a relatively new company, and one of our main RS> focus is on i18n and l10n of the Linux desktop (particularly GNOME), RS> and contributing our efforts back to the community.
RS> As many software don't yet have complete Chinese translations, our RS> company is willing to help out. We have some translators in China ready RS> to help out translating po-files and documentation.
RS> Are there anything that we should be aware of before we begin?
RS> Thank you!
RS> Roger So
hi .. There is also a team in Taiwan doing the translation. Please visit our web site:
This site contains both Traditional Chinese and Simplify Chinese.
Sincerely, Seventeen
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Roger So wrote:
Hi Roger,
Red Hat has recently released our Traditional Chinese version of Red Hat Linux 7.0. As such we would be very interested in keeping abreast of any work you do on translation for the open-source community, both Simplified and Traditional.
Thanks Paul