----- Original Message -----
From: <object.bbs(a)bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw>
To: <object(a)mis.mgt.ncu.edu.tw>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 7:20 PM
Subject: [GIMP]中文Tip of the Day {sorry, long post}
> 發信人: "Harry Chou" <harry888(a)alumni.nctu.edu.tw>, 看板: Linux
> 標 題: [GIMP]中文Tip of the Day {sorry, long post}
> 發信站: National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Ta (Tue May 25 00:18:39
> 轉信站:
> 大家好:
> 1. 我不知道是不是有人已翻過GIMP的Tip of the Day。 Anyway, attached file是
> 份中譯本,GIMP的user若有興趣可以抓回去用。 順便給我一些意見。
> Rename to and replace your gimp_tips.txt (裏面英文部份還沒去
> 除,以便網友可以幫我check) 當然您的X-windows 需 support i18n。(GIMP自
> 有自己的gtkrc,裏面的font 要改成 fontset = " ....big5.. , ....iso-....")
> 2. 在GIMP裏的GTK+ widgets中文的使用都沒有問題,比如,您可以將Layer dialog
> 的第一個Default Layer named " Background"改成 "背景",跟在win下的中文
> Photoshop一樣。
> 但是 …, 在Script-Fu的Dialog確個個有問題,是否有人有類似的經驗,如何解決?
> (我私下猜跟scheme有關?)
> 3. 我覺得在GTK+ widgets(i18n)使用Big5中文是一件很舒服的事,如果寫widget的
> 照規距做的話。 不過在 GNOME的環境裏這種不照規距自創品牌(自己有自己的
> 或根本不用gtkrc) 的widgets倒是不少。
> Miguel 最近把GNOME 的white paper擺出來了,可能是收到太多lack of
> documentation的抗議,其中對CJK最重要的是Owen 寫的 i18n in GTK+,裏面似乎
> 示」GTK+的未來發展在Input Method上,不使用XIM protocol。 這點倒是值得注
> ====== cut here ========
> # This is a list of tips for the GIMP. Every time the GIMP is
> # started, one tip will be selected from this file and will be
> # displayed in the "Tip of the day" dialog.
> #
> # - Lines starting with '#' are comments.
> # - Blank lines or comments separate two tips (they are not ignored).
> # Multiple blank lines are treated as one. If you want to have a
> # blank line in a tip, put a space or tab in it.
> # - Text will appear in the dialog as it is in this file. This is
> # done on purpose in order to have more freedom in the layout of the
> # tips than with automatic word-wrapping, but this also means that
> # you have to avoid excessively long lines in this file.
> # - Tips should be concise: 3 lines or less.
> #
> # Tips in this file have been contributed by Zachary Beane, Mo Oishi,
> # Raphael Quinet, Sven Neumann and other people on the gimp mailing
> # lists.
> #
> # Translate to Big5 coded chinese by Harry C.H. Chou
> # --------------------------------------------------------------------
> # The first tip should be a welcome message, because this is the
> # first thing that a new user will see.
> #
> # FIXME: re-write this welcome message:
> Welcome to the GIMP !
> Nearly all image operations are performed by right-clicking
> on the image. And don't worry, you can undo most mistakes...
> 歡迎來到 GIMP 的世界!
> 幾乎所有的影像處理都可以在圖像上以滑鼠的右鍵來開啟操作功能。
> 但別太擔心,大部份因不小心而犯的錯誤都可以用【undo】來回復。
> # Tips for beginners start here
> #
> The GIMP uses layers to let you organize your image. Think of them
> as a stack of slides or filters, such that looking through them you
> see a composite of their contents.
> GIMP 使用多個圖層來組織您的圖像。 把圖層想像成一疊投影片,
> 或是一疊有顏色的濾片,如此以這些內容層層疊出整合的圖像。
> You can perform many layer operations by right-clicking on the text
> label of a layer in the Layers dialog (Dialogs->Layers & Channels).
> 以滑鼠右鍵點選圖層視窗內的圖層名稱能帶出一功能表,讓您能執行
> 很多不同的圖層功能。
> When trying to save files as GIF, XPM, or any other indexed
> color format, you need to convert the image to indexed using
> the Image menu.
> 若想將圖像存成類似GIF/XPM或其它屬於索引色碼的圖檔,
> 您必需先把圖像以索引的方式轉換好【Image->Indexed】。
> You can get the Tool Options menu to open by double-clicking
> any button in the toolbar.
> 在工具箱內,您可用滑鼠左鍵雙擊該工具來帶出特殊的工具選項。
> You can change the name of a layer by double-clicking
> on its name in the Layers dialog box.
> 在圖層顯示視窗內,以滑鼠右鍵雙擊其圖層名稱,便可更改其名稱。
> The layer named "Background" is special. You can't add
> transparency or a layer mask to it. To add transparency, you
> must first "add alpha" to the layer by right-clicking in the
> layers dialog and selecting "Add Alpha Channel".
> 名為"背景"的圖層是比較特殊的。您無法直接加上透明度或圖層遮罩。
> 若要加上透明度,您必需使用【Add Alpha Channel】這個功能。
> When using a drawing tool (Paintbrush, Airbrush, or Pencil),
> Shift-click will draw a straight line from your last drawing
> point to your current cursor position.
> 當使用繪圖工具如(畫筆,噴槍,或鉛筆),以滑鼠配合《Shift》鍵,
> 可以很方便的從上一個節點連接一條直線到現在的節點。
> Most plug-ins work on the current layer of the current image. In
> some cases, you will have to merge all layers (Layers->Flatten Image)
> if you want the plug-in to work on the whole image.
> 大部分的嵌入功能模組都是作用於現在被選擇到的圖像的單一圖層。
> 但在某些狀況下,您需先整合所有圖層為一(Layers->Flatten Image),
> 以便於嵌入的功能模組能作用於整個圖像上。
> Most file-formats can't handle layers and for that reason only
> the active layer is saved. Use XCF, the GIMP's native file format
> to keep layers, channels and guides when saving.
> 因為現有大部分的影像檔案格式無法處理多個圖層,所以用來存檔時,
> 只有預選到的圖層會被存下來。 以GIMP內定的XCF檔案格式來存檔,
> 則可以保存工作現狀不變。
> Not all effects can be applied to all kinds of images. This
> is indicated by a grayed-out menu-entry. You may need to
> change the image to RGB, add an alpha-channel or flatten it.
> 並非所有的影像處理特效都可用在各式的圖像上。 在功能選單上,
> 當某項功能無法使用時,文字會以淡灰色表示。 但若您還是要用它,
> 那麼就必需對圖像動一點手腳,例如,把原為黑白的圖像改為彩色,
> 或加上【alpha-channel】或是把所有的圖層整合為一。
> # Tips for intermediate users start here
> #
> The file selection dialog box has command-line completion with
> Tab, just like the shell. Type part of a filename, hit tab, and voila!
> It's completed.
> 在檔案選擇輸入框內有類似【shell】的功能,可以用《Tab》鍵來
> 完成未打完的檔案名稱。 只要鍵入部份的檔案名稱,按下《Tab》,
> 一切OK!
> You can reassign shortcut keys on any menu by bringing up the menu,
> selecting a menu item, and pressing the new shortcut key combination.
> This is dynamic and is saved when you exit GIMP.
> 您可以重新安排在功能選單上的快速鍵組合。 方法是先用滑鼠
> 選擇某一功能項,並同時按下新的快速鍵組合。這是動態的設定,
> 且當離開GIMP時,這個設定將會被儲存下來。
> All the old channel operations have been replaced with the more
> powerful and flexible Layer and Layer Mode operations. They may
> take getting used to, but they are simply a better way to operate.
> 所有舊的【channel】功能都被更強大且具更彈性的圖層與圖層模式
> 功能所取代。 也許得花些時間來熟悉,但這些新功能的確是較好的
> 操作方法。
> You can use the middle mouse button to pan around
> the image, if it's larger than its display window.
> 當圖像比其顯示視窗大時,可以滑鼠中鍵抓住圖像在視窗內移動。
> Click and drag on a ruler to place a Guide on an image. All
> dragged selections will snap to the guides. You can remove
> guides by dragging them off the image with the Move tool.
> 以滑鼠左鍵點在尺標上而後拖拉到圖像內,可以標示出一條
> 參考墨線。爾後任何目標選擇的調整都會自動的定格在墨線上。
> 用移動工具將墨線拖拉到圖像範圍之外便可以去除它。
> The GIMP supports gzip compression on the fly. Just add
> '.gz' (or '.bz2', if you have bzip2 installed) to the filename
> and your image will be saved compressed. Of course loading
> compressed images works too.
> GIMP在存檔時支援gzip直接壓縮。 只要在檔名加上'.gz'(或'.bz2'
> ,你必需確定系統已經安裝了bzip2套件),您的圖像便會以壓縮的
> 形態存起來。 當然您也可以直接打開壓縮圖檔。
> Pressing and holding the Shift key before making a selection allows
> you to add to the current selection instead of replacing it. Using
> Ctrl before making a selection subtracts from the current one.
> 當按住《shift》鍵來做目標選擇時,新與舊的目標選擇是加成的。
> 若以《Ctrl》來做的話,其結果是舊的減去新的部份。
> You can press or release the Shift and Ctrl keys while you are
> making a selection in order to constrain it to a perfect square
> or circle, or to have it centered on its starting point.
> 當您要做正圓/正方形的目標選擇或想改由其中心點來操作,此時
> 您可以《shift》和《Ctrl》鍵來控制。
> # Tips for advanced users start here
> #
> You can adjust the selection range for fuzzy select
> by clicking and dragging left and right.
> 當用【fuzzy】目標選擇時,您可以用滑鼠左右《clicking-draging》
> 來調整目標選擇的範圍。
> Shift-click on the eye icon in the Layers dialog to hide all
> layers but that one. Shift-click again to show all layers.
> 在顯示圖層的視窗內,以《Shift-click》點選某圖層的眼形圖示,
> 則會只顯示這個圖層而隱藏其他。 但再次《Shift-click》則會顯示
> 所有的圖層。
> Ctrl-click on the layer mask's preview in the Layers dialog
> toggles the effect of the layer mask.
> 在顯示圖層的視窗內,以《Ctrl-click》點選圖層遮罩的預覽區,
> 則會反轉圖層遮罩的效果。
> Alt-click on the layer mask's preview in the Layers dialog
> toggles viewing the mask directly.
> 在顯示圖層的視窗內,以《Alt-click》點選圖層遮罩的預覽區,
> 則會改變直接顯示遮罩內容與否。
> You can use Alt-Tab to cycle through all layers in an image
> (if your window manager doesn't trap those keys...).
> 您可以用《Alt-Tab》來逐層檢視組成圖像的所有圖層。
> (得注意您所用的視窗管理程式是否會攔截這個組合鍵)
> Shift-click with the Bucket Fill tool to have it use
> the background color instead of the foreground color.
> 使用《Bucket Fill》的工具配合《Shift-click》,便可以背景
> 而非前景顏色來塗抹目標區。
> Control-drag with the Transform tool in rotation mode
> will constrain the rotation to 15 degree angles.
> 在空間轉換工具的旋轉模式,用《Ctrl-drag》可將旋轉角度
> 限制在15度內。
> You can adjust and re-place a selection by using Alt-drag.
> 您可以用《Alt-drag》來調整和重置目標選擇。
> If your fonts turn out blocky, that's because they're not scalable
> fonts. Most X servers support scalable Type 1 Postscript fonts.
> Download and install them.
> 如果您所用的字形看起來很不平順,那是因為這些字形不能縮放。
> 大部分的X伺服器可以支援【Type 1 Postscript】的縮放字形。
> 下載並安裝這類字形吧。
> # FIXME: The next tip should disappear once we have solved the
> # problems of stale pluginrc files and plug-in directories.
> # All other files in ~/.gimp can be kept after an upgrade.
> # In particular, we should try to preserve gimprc. --Raphael
> When installing a new version, be sure to
> delete your ~/.gimp directory first.
> 當您想安裝新的GIMP版本時,記得先清除在~/.gimp目錄內的個人資料。
> Using Edit->Stroke allows you to draw simple squares or circles by
> painting the edge of your current selection with the active brush.
> More complex shapes can be drawn with Filters->Render->Gfig.
> 用【Edit->Stroke】可以讓您在預選好的目標選擇的邊緣上
> 以預選筆形畫出簡單的方形與圓形。
> 但較複雜的圖形就得用【Filter->Render->Gfig】這個工具來畫了。
> To create a perfect circle, hold Shift while doing an ellipse select. To
> place a circle precisely, drag horizontal and vertical guides tangent to
> the circle you want to select, place your cursor at the intersection
> of the guides, and the resulting selection will just touch the guides.
> 若想要畫出正圓形,方法是,執行橢圓目標選擇時按住《Shift》鍵。
> 而要精確的放置在某定點的方法是,利用水平與垂直的參考墨線
> 正切齊您所選的圓形,將游標放在交叉點上,那麼結果便會如您所願。
> # (end of tips)